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Science Comm through Creative Writing

This course can no longer be booked.

The course is intended for anyone interested in writing science articles creatively and engagingly.

Suggested Donation

Event Description

Writing course learning objectives: • To communicate complex scientific information and ideas creatively and engagingly. • To apply the craft elements of creative nonfiction to writing about science. • To write science articles that can engage a wider audience. These concepts can be applied to also writing effective research proposals and scientific articles. Course content: 1. Importance of Science Communication in today’s world. 2. Basics of storytelling principles and applying them to creative writing in science. 3. Learn how to find exciting stories within your field or research and find ideas that shape your narratives. 4. Learn how to find a core message in your writings, find target audiences, and develop characters for your science pieces. 5. Learn how to put your story ideas into practice and structure your pieces. 6. Learn about tools like metaphors, vocabulary, and details that make a science piece more engaging, easy, and relatable enough to reach a non-expert reader. 7. Learn how to analyse other science articles and give and receive peer feedback. 8. We will also explore different mediums for getting your science article published. Course information: • On May 20th, course reminder emails including the PDF will be sent to registered participants. • This event will be online and course video recordings will be shared for later viewing. • After course sessions, the participants will be given obligatory tasks to be done and submitted in the Google Classroom before the next session.

Cancellation Policy

An email regarding the start of the workshop will be emailed to participants one week before the course start date May 27th. If any questions arise, please contact or

Contact Details

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